5 Travel Mistakes You Can Avoid with a Visit to the Travel Clinic

Travelling is an exciting adventure that allows you to explore new cultures, taste exotic cuisines and create lifelong memories. However, travel can also come with challenges and health risks, especially when venturing to destinations with different health standards and environments. A visit to a travel clinic can help you prepare for these challenges and avoid common travel mistakes.

Here are five travel mistakes you can avoid by consulting our travel vaccination clinic.

1. Skipping Necessary Vaccinations

One of the biggest mistakes travellers make is neglecting to get the necessary vaccinations before their trip. Many countries require or recommend vaccinations for diseases that may not be common in your home country. For example, yellow fever, hepatitis A and B, typhoid and Japanese encephalitis are some of the vaccines that might be required depending on your destination.

Our travel clinic can provide you with up-to-date information on required and recommended vaccinations for your destination. The professionals at our travel vaccination clinic in Farhman Common will assess your health needs based on your travel itinerary, duration of stay and activities planned.

2. Not Considering Local Health Risks

Each travel destination has unique health risks, ranging from infectious diseases to environmental hazards. Travellers often overlook these risks, which can lead to severe health issues during or after their trip.

Travel clinics are equipped with the latest information about health risks in various regions. Whether you’re travelling to a tropical area prone to mosquito-borne diseases or a high-altitude destination where altitude sickness is a concern, Aroga Pharmacy at Farhman Common can provide you with specific advice and preventive measures.

3. Ignoring Travel Insurance

Many travellers underestimate the importance of travel insurance, which can lead to significant financial and logistical problems in case of a medical emergency abroad. Travel insurance not only covers medical expenses but also provides support for lost luggage, trip cancellations and other unforeseen issues.

During your consultation at our travel vaccination clinic in Farhman Common, our professionals can emphasise the importance of travel insurance.

4. Failing to Prepare for Climate and Environmental Changes

Travellers often underestimate the impact of climate and environmental changes on their health. Extreme temperatures, high humidity or exposure to unfamiliar allergens can lead to health problems such as heatstroke, dehydration or allergic reactions.

A travel clinic can provide you with detailed advice on how to prepare for different climates and environments. Whether you need to stay hydrated in a hot climate, protect your skin from UV radiation or avoid specific allergens, the clinic staff can offer practical tips and recommend suitable products.

5. Overlooking Personal Medication Needs

Travelling with personal medications can be tricky, especially when crossing international borders with strict regulations on prescription drugs. Some travellers forget to bring enough medication, fail to check if their medication is allowed in their destination country or do not carry a prescription with them.

For those living in Burnham or Fulmer, our professionals at a travel vaccination clinic at Farhman Common can help you prepare for these challenges.

What are The Do’s and Don’ts of Travelling?

Travelling can be an incredibly enriching experience, offering new perspectives, cultures and adventures. However, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey, it’s essential to follow some basic guidelines. Here are the dos and don’ts of travelling, covering preparation, health, safety and cultural respect.


  • Do Research Your Destination: Learn about local customs, health risks and necessary precautions.
  • Do Get Vaccinated: Protect yourself from diseases that are common in your travel destination.
  • Do Pack Wisely: Bring necessary medications, a first-aid kit and weather-appropriate clothing.
  • Do Stay Hydrated and Eat Safely: Drink bottled or purified water and eat well-cooked food.
  • Do Purchase Travel Insurance: Ensure it covers health emergencies, trip cancellations and lost luggage.


  • Don’t Ignore Travel Advisories: Stay informed about safety and health advisories for your destination.
  • Don’t Forget to Check Health Regulations: Ensure you meet vaccination and health entry requirements.
  • Don’t Neglect Personal Safety: Be cautious about your surroundings and avoid risky areas.
  • Don’t Overpack: Pack only essentials to avoid carrying excessive luggage.
  • Don’t Travel Without Emergency Contacts: Have contact information for local health services and your embassy.

Common Health Issues While Travelling

Travelling exposes you to new environments, climates and foods, which can sometimes lead to health issues. Understanding common health problems and how to prevent or manage them can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Here are some of the most common health issues travellers face:

1. Traveler’s Diarrhea

This is the most common health issue faced by travellers, often caused by consuming contaminated food or water. Symptoms include frequent, loose stools, abdominal pain and dehydration.

2. Malaria

Malaria is a serious disease transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical and subtropical regions. Symptoms include fever, chills and flu-like illness.

3. Altitude Sickness

Travelers visiting high-altitude destinations may experience headaches, nausea and fatigue due to lower oxygen levels.

4. Heat-related illnesses

Heatstroke and heat exhaustion are common in hot climates. Symptoms include high body temperature, confusion and dehydration.

5. Respiratory Infections

Crowded places and different climates can increase the risk of respiratory infections like colds and flu.

Are You Planning Your Next Adventure?

By visiting our travel clinic, you can get tailored advice to avoid these common travel mistakes and health issues. Proper preparation and preventive measures ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, allowing you to focus on creating memorable experiences.

If you are living around Burnham or Fulmer be fully prepared and protected with expert advice from Aroga Pharmacy at Farhman Common. Schedule a consultation with our travel health specialists today. We’ll provide personalised recommendations for vaccinations, medications and travel health tips tailored to your destination. Click here to schedule your consultation with Aroga Pharmacy and travel with confidence!